Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Naked on the Internet!

Someone once told me "with your lifestyle I won't be surprised when you show up naked on the Internet one day."

OK, and what's your point?

But the more I have been giving this some thought, the more I'm convinced that there may be some truth to that warning, and I should take some proactive steps to avoid the embarrassment that this would create.  Hell, I'd rather just put something out there and be done with it.  There is that pesky Federal Law Enforcement angle.  For some odd notion, the bosses don't like it when you do things, even off duty, that could be considered "risky behavior."  Spoil-sports.

So, I've been searching through my address book and trying to jog my memory on who may have something that would show, how should I say, "my best side" for this adventure.*  Alas, I've had no luck what-so-ever so I have moved on to plan B...that is to say, I've been sorting through old photo's in search of something appropriate.

(*) Disclaimer:    It's not that I expected to actually find anyone with naked photo's of me you understand, it was just necessary for me to go through the motions as a safety precaution.

I think I may have found it on my own.

You'll forgive me if it's a little racy, or perhaps just a little naughty.  I mean, it's rather difficult to find a comfortable position on the bed while your displaying your charms for all the world to see.

I just hope that during my next background investigation that the investigator understands this was necessary so that no one in the future could possibly hold me up to blackmail by threatening to show me in all my nekkid glory!

I apologise in advance for those of you who may be offended.

Now, I have nothing to worry about, do I?