Monday, November 5, 2012

My Thoughts on the Election

The Election

I’ve been quiet.  Until now.

First - Get out and VOTE!

I don’t much care who you vote for – that’s a personal decision.  I’ve been described as a conservative liberal, or a liberal conservative.  The reality is that I vote for who I think has the closest values to my own, and I really don’t care what party that person is associated with.  And, by the way, I don’t really care about their gender, color, or religion either.  I only care about what America stands for, who she stands with, and how we apply those values.

Here’s my opinion on a few things that help me decide...

I do believe in the Constitution.  Most of it anyway.  The parts I have trouble with, I’ve learned to live with.  That’s part of being an American.

I believe in Capital punishment.  Although I think the list of crimes is far too short, and I think we should ‘fast track” those people on their way to the next phase in the grand journey.

The Second Amendment.  Read it, it’s simple, but I don’t want my neighbor to have a .50 caliber M2 Machine Gun on his front porch.  Other than that, leave me alone and don’t bother me when the zombies come.

I believe that ALL men are created equal.  Equality means that you gain what you work for and that the Government does NOT have an obligation to take care of you.

I believe that women have the right to choose what they do with their own bodies, and that includes abortion rights.  No religion, Government, nor individual has the right to make that decision for them.  For you guys, do you really believe you’d allow the Government or someone to make a decision like that for you?  Get real.

I believe that women are as capable as men.  But that doesn’t mean I think they should serve in a combat related arms in the defense of this country.  Call me sexist or perhaps just old fashion.  Stick with being President when your time comes.

Rape is a crime.  It’s NOT assault, or criminal mischief.  If found guilty, a rapist should be locked up for life with other rapists.  No pardon, no parole.

Child Molesters, if found guilty, should be executed.

I believe that Lawful Permanent Residents (Green card holders) have entered into a contract with our United States.  If you break our laws you’ve broken that contract and you should be deported.  Regardless of age and regardless of how many family members you have to take with you.  For those “others illegally present” (a thoughtful phrase from the Immigration Reform Act), if found, you should be arrested, prosecuted, and if found guilty, should be permanently barred from re-entering the country after serving a term in Federal prison.

I believe in what the Unions once stood for….but that doesn’t mean that Union members should get breaks that the average person does not get, and the Union is NOT always right.

I hate racists.  All of them, regardless of color or gender.  There’s just no excuse for ignorance.

I believe in the simple explanation of Sheep, Sheep Dogs, and the Wolves.  Everyone falls into one of those categories.  You are what you are, be happy with that, but don’t pass judgment on those of us that choose to fight the wolves.  Even those of us lying on the porch, head resting on our paws, watching the younger Sheep Dogs doing all the work these days.   We are what we are.  Be happy we’re here.

I was Baptized in my youth.  Twice.  My Mother was convinced it didn’t “take” the first time.  As I have gotten older, I think she was right.  I was in trouble in Sunday school while learning the 10 Commandments because I was disappointed to learn there was no asterisk (*) on anything that indicated “except under the following circumstances”  My point is that no one, every time, will get it right, each and every time.   Be flexible.

I know for a fact that War is never nice, and it’s not like you see in movies or on TV.  It should not be entered into lightly, but once engaged, you never, ever, quit, until the other side are either dead or submit to your national will.  Anything less is an insult to the men and woman who have died or bled for this great Nation.

I believe that if you think “so-and-so” lied to get us into a war in Iraq (which I didn’t support by the way), you’re not informed and should read the history of abuse in Iraq leading up to 2003.  I was there, and even I am at a loss for words on what I saw in person.  I believe that the majority of people in that country are better off today as a result, and I shed my blood and left it in the sand for my belief.

I believe that religion is whatever you hold dear to your soul as true belief.  No book, individual, or Government should tell you what religion to follow.  No one religion is the “true” religion in my view.  We’ll all know who’s right when we take that last great journey after this one.  Do we need to discuss “tolerance?”

I believe that who you have sex with, or how many partners at a time, and when, is not anyone else’s business.  And, yes, I have no problem with the idea of two people of the same gender being in a relationship.

Adultery is a word not a crime.  When was the last time you were a virgin?  Don’t ask me for my personal view on this one unless you really want to know.

Marriage, in almost all cultures, is a union of individuals.  Rules or understandings within that union are not anyone else’s business. (See “Adultery” if you still have questions about where I stand on this one)

I believe Global Warming is an outrageous fraud supported by global leaders who make an awful lot of money on the fears of gullible people who mean well and want to feel like they are doing something for the common good.  How about just being nice to everyone you come into contact with and show a little compassion that way instead?

Lastly, I’m very disappointed in so many of you who have taken an extreme position during this run up to the election.  Many of my oldest friends (on both side of the spectrum) have used some of the foulest arguments, the most bizarre stories, and some of the most inflammatory descriptions I have ever seen in an election.     Yes, it’s important, but where is your common courtesy?

Agree or disagree. . .it’s my opinion.  Just vote, and let’s get on with being Americans united as we should be every day.

1 comment:

  1. Well said ! It's time for all Americans to roll up their sleeves and work together to get our problems fixed and make America strong again. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
